Smashing Security: UK Porn Passports
I am a regular guest on the award-winning Smashing Security podcast hosted by the inimitable Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault.
The weekly podcast takes a lighter look at the serious business of cyber security, and I appear to have been pigeon-holed as the show's resident cyber-sex reporter. Oh well.
In last week's episode I reported on AgeID, the latest attempt by a leading adult-content outlet to adhere to the UK's upcoming age verification legislation which seeks to protect under-18s from accessing explicit online material.
We’ve never had so many people download an episode of the “Smashing Security” podcast as quickly as our latest one:
“Hijacked homes, porn passports, and ransomware regret”
Check it out in your favourite podcast app or at
— Graham Cluley (@gcluley) March 19, 2019
Clearly, there are a lot of challenges with this piece of law – practically, technically and morally – which is why the UK government has struggled with guidance and deadlines. At the time of writing, we're still no clearer when the go-live date will be or how effective any block may prove.
Also in the episode we ask when it makes sense to pay off that ransomware fee, and uncover the '$150 million mansion hijack'.
Tap here to catch the full episode, or find it in your favourite podcast player.